Money: The Beginning

The module introduces money as a concept to children. The episodes and the upcoming modules are curated with a delightful aspiration to make them independent & masters of using money as a tool to generate wealth and attain early financial freedom. Let us embark on a journey of understanding money and making your children consciously interdependent in your family finance journey.

Money Management Episode: 01

| Know your Money | What?! There are different forms of money 😯

Money Management Episode: 02

| Beyond Pocket Money | Where did all the pocket money go? 🤔

Money Management Episode: 03

| How Much Money is Enough | What will happen if I win a lot lottery 😎

Money Management Episode: 04

What is Family-Money? | Ayush is heartbroken 😔

Money Management Episode: 05

| Usages of Money | The BEST technique 😍